Important Dates and Information
Parent District Texts can be enabled through infinite campus, call the main office for help.
Please also remember students are responsible for charging their chromebook and coming to school with all of their required materials.
February 7th and 13th: City View Portrait Days
February 26th: No school, PL day
March 4th: Magnet Lottery Close Date
March 7th: Soil Expo
March 11-15th: Spring Break
March 21st: Upcoming Mock Trial Event
Sign up for a visit by completing the City View School Visit Registration Form or contact City View at 319-558-2093
Parent District Texts can be enabled through infinite campus, call the main office for help.
Please also remember students are responsible for charging their chromebook and coming to school with all of their required materials.
Link to Nutrislice lunch menus:
February 6-9th
The City View Ambassadors continued visiting middle schools to promote City View to incoming freshman. This week they visited Harding and Wilson.
On Tuesday, students took their portraits. The portraits are supposed to represent the student how they want to be. These pictures will be used in the yearbook as opposed to using the normal school pictures taken at the beginning of school year.
Students apart of the community exploration discovery visited the St. Luke’s maker space this Friday. There they discussed what it might be used for and how it positively impacts the hospital.
February 12-16th
Our science teacher is requesting that anyone who can, brings in their old shoe boxes for a project they’re doing. Please send any shoe boxes with your child. Thank You!
This week during the community exploration discovery, students had the choice to visit either the boys and girls club, or families helping families. Ask your kid if they have done this yet, and what they chose.
February 19-23th
This week, students got their new schedule for the afternoon, they were able to choose what they wanted it to look like. Students were guided to pick a project they were interested in. Ask your student what they chose.
On Thursday, the City View Ambassadors visited their final middle school to talk to incoming 8th graders. They went to Roosevelt middle school.
Also this week, students did a debate in their social studies class. The debate was on the Syrian Refugee Crisis and almost every student was involved.
All sophomores were emailed about the PSAT which will be provided at City View, it will be taken April 25th at 7:30. The test this year will be taken on chromebooks and there is a $20 fee for all who want to take it.
This Friday, students of the community exploration discovery visited Travero Logistics, they got a tour of the facilities and a presentation on what logistics are and what Travero does.
February 26-1st
City View rolled out its new cell phone policy. This policy was created to limit the phone usage during class.
On Thursday, students celebrated the leap year by finding tiny frogs hidden around the building. As well as debated the new cell phone policy and ways it can change for the better.
Members of the community exploration discovery went to Van Meter this week. They got to ask questions to employees and find out what they do.
On Monday, March 4th, the magnet lottery is closing, this is only for new magnet students and existing magnet students do not need to apply to get back in.